What is the Best Time To Take Vitamins?

What is the Best Time To Take Vitamins?

Timing Matters With Your Multivitamins

Good things take time to build, and so does good health. Persistence and perseverance to follow a strict health regime by having wholesome food, doing regular exercise, and bridging any nutritional gap with multivitamins are what it takes to build a good healthy body and mind. 

Timing your consumption of multivitamins is needed. Right timing plays a vital role when you take your supplements as they have a significant effect on how your body can absorb and utilize the nutrients. Popping your multivitamins just anytime when you have time from your hectic schedule or feel a sudden concern for your health will not reap you the benefits from multivitamins as desired.

Related Blog: How Important Are Multivitamins for Us?

"Timing Is The Essence Of Vitamins"

When to take multivitamins?

The debate on who should take multivitamins and in what quantity also extends to the point as to when to take multivitamins, either in the morning or at night. 

The timings of when you have multivitamins can significantly affect how your body absorbs and utilizes the nutrients. Jeffrey Blumberg, one of the renowned professors of nutrition science and policy at Tufts University in Boston, recommends not having multivitamins at night as the process of digestion slows down during sleep, which results in an inefficient absorption of nutrients. Thus with this suggestion to take nutrients in the morning with your meal. 

Neil Levin, a well-known clinical nutritionist, also recommends that morning time is also best for multivitamins. The B group of vitamins can disrupt a good sleep, stimulating metabolism and brain function too much. 

Not all multivitamins are created equal, and it is generally considered they comprise both vitamins and minerals category. The general idea is that you should take specific multivitamins in the morning for maximum absorption and others in the evening before you go to bed.

Following vitamins and minerals are taken most commonly-

  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid
  • Multivitamins
  • Vitamin B
  • Iron

Best Time to Take B Vitamins 

The goodness of the B vitamins can be had after consuming them on an empty stomach in the morning. Studies suggest that consumption of B vitamins in the afternoon can affect your sleep patterns. For their maximum absorption, take them with an early morning meal. You may have all your B vitamins together at once as they are safe for consumption. Please note that Vitamin B12 is better absorbed on an empty stomach because early morning, an acidic environment increases its absorption.

Best Time to Take Iron

The deficiency of iron minerals can cause extreme tiredness and fatigue in the body. The human body needs the correct dosage of iron to support our immune system, and most importantly, to produce hemoglobin. It acts as a carrier of oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Take iron in either of the ways-

  • For its maximum boosted absorption, take it first thing in the morning with vitamin C. 
  • Take it on an empty stomach or 1-2 hours before a meal.

While taking iron supplements, be careful of the following foods as they interfere with the absorption of iron in the body-milk, tea, coffee, and whole grains. 

Best time to take omega-3 supplements

How essential are omega-3 fatty acids for the heart and brain can be gathered through one of our well-researched articles on the topic Why Omega-3 is important? The best time to take omega-3 supplements omega-3 (EPA & DHA) supplements is just about anytime as it is a powerhouse of essential fatty acids that the body can't make on its own. The golden rule on taking omega-3 enriched supplements is to find your own time when it works for you, as you'll only experience the unlimited benefits if you're consistent with it. 

Remember by noting it, Omega-3 has some side effects, such as acid reflux which can be overcome by splitting your daily dose into two more diminutive amounts. You may take one in the morning and one in the afternoon with meals that are good fat sources. 

Best Time to Take Magnesium

MIND IT!!!!! Magnesium plays many pivotal roles in the body as it is an essential nutrient that affects many functions in the body. Studies have shown that taking magnesium on an empty stomach could cause diarrhea. Thus health professionals recommend splitting your dose into two small quantities and having them at your breakfast and dinner. Call magnesium a magic potion, as all that matters is that you are taking good quality magnesium without any break. Making it a part of your health regime is all that matters; you may decide the time of its consumption as per your convenience. 

Best Time to Take Water-Soluble or Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins are either fat-soluble or water-soluble; vitamins A, D, E, and K fall into fat-soluble vitamins. Meaning they are best taken with high-fat foods, consumed in the morning or later in the day for maximum absorption. 

Water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin c work differently as they are best taken on an empty stomach. They are highly advised to take them first thing in the morning when you wake up or after two hours since your last meal. 

Best Time to Take Multivitamins

As discussed above, take your dosage of multivitamins with an excellent wholesome first meal in the morning for maximum absorption of nutrients. The thing with multivitamins is to incorporate them into your health regime and don't leave them out for a single day, as they are good to bridge any nutritional deficits. They are a must for vegans, expecting and lactating mothers, fitness lovers, avid sports enthusiasts, and almost everyone who wants to add that extra zeal to their healthy life. 

The Conclusion

The essential rule is to take vitamin and mineral supplements daily (without fail) for the best health results. As discussed, specific vitamins, minerals, and supplements have to be consumed at a particular time for their enhanced effectiveness and minimization of their laxative effects and effects on sleep. Before resorting to multivitamins and minerals, make it a point to have a word of advice with your health care professional. 

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